Submit your 
Haunting Stories

If you have any short, real or fictional, terrifying stories that you would like to see transformed into a short film, submit them through this section. Who knows, the next eerie tale featured on our channel could be yours.

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Disclaimer and Release: 
I declare that the submitted story is my creation and that I have the right to share it. I grant Haunting Whispers Movies permission to use the submitted story to create a short film at its discretion, without any financial claims. Furthermore, I acknowledge that the title and text of the story may be altered to suit Haunting Whispers Movies' creative needs, and my story could be adapted or modified for cinematic adaptation. I understand that I will not receive any compensation or copyright for the use of my story.

Your personal data will be used exclusively for purposes related to the processing and creation of films based on the submitted stories. Your privacy is important to us, and we guarantee that your information will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and will not be shared with third parties without your consent.

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